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The goal of the Worship Ministries is to lead and assist the congregation of Resurrection Missionary Baptist Church in structured corporate worship during Sunday services and other events, and to encourage them towards and model for them a lifestyle of sincere worship that is consistent every day of the week.


What is worship? Worship is our entire being responding with praise for all that God is, glorifying Him through our attitudes, actions, thoughts, and words, based on the truth of God as He has revealed Himself. Therefore, worship is not an outward observance or ritual, nor does it require a certain location; it is a consistent, deliberate, active lifestyle devoted to solely bringing glory to God in every choice and area of life (1 Cor.10:31).


Corporate worship is not a separate entity, nor is music “worship” in and of itself. Believers have the unique privilege and duty to worship the Lord together as the Body of Christ, outwardly expressing their adoration and gratitude to Him through collective activity such as prayer, Scripture reading, testimony, or songs of praise and worship. Corporate worship requires that the individual believer already be living in a continual state of worship; it cannot be something that “turns on” each Sunday and “turns off” after the conclusion of the service, but must be a visible outflowing of the constant state of the believer’s heart, as he/she continually offers his/her life to the Lord as a “living sacrifice” (Rom. 12:1). The mark of a true believer is worship as a lifestyle, visibly manifested in daily attitudes and actions.


The purpose of the Worship Ministries is to ultimately and entirely bring glory to God; their primary means of fulfilling this goal is by collectively leading and aiding members of the Body of Christ in corporate worship. Their motivation and desire are to point the congregation to the Almighty God, King, and Savior and to remind them of who He is and what He has done in and through them and others.


At various times of the year, the Worship Ministries include:


  • Children’s choir (for 2-year-olds through 8th grade)

  • Choir (High School through Adults)

  • Vocal Ensembles & Quartets

  • Praise Team

  • Sound Ministry

  • Media Ministry

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The Resurrection Experience

Resurrection is a church that values diversity and believes in loving frequent fellowship using small groups. Where members care for one another, study the Bible and pray together regularly and where everyone is involved in ministry that transforms lives.

Contact Us

258 Hosack Street

Columbus, OH  43207

614-443-1940 Office        

614-443-1941 Fax 


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